Microtrac - ZETAVIEW
Individual particle tracking, microelectrophoresis, and Brownian motion analysis instrument.
The measurement range of the instrument is 0.01 – 50 Μm for zeta potential determination and 0.01 – 3 Μm for particle size distribution. The ZetaView is available in two models: the PMX 101 (equipped with a red laser) and the PMX 102 (equipped with a blue laser and cut off filter for the measurement of fluorescent particles).
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Features of ZETAVIEW
- Auto-alignment and auto-focusing
- Passive stability elements
- Impressions on nano-systems <10 nm
- Wide concentration and particle counting range
- Accuracy and precision
- Can be controlled by a tablet PC
General Specifications
Depth | 30 cm |
Height | 25 cm |
Width | 20 cm |
Power Requirements | 90 |
Weight | 9 kg |
Additional Specifications
Measurement principles: Micro-electrophoresis zeta potential and Brownian diffusion size, counting
Optical layout:
- Laser scattering video microscope with individual particle tracking
- Auto-alignment and auto-focusing design
Measurement cell: Fused slica channel, platinum electrodes, PEEK, Kalrez® O-rings, flushable with acetone
and pH solutions
Applied cell voltage: -24 V, + 24 V for zeta potential, 0 V for size
Optical System:
- Microscope lens x 10 and digital camera, 640x480 px, 30 and 60 fps
- Red diode laser, 650 nm for standard PMX 101
- Blue diode laser, 405 nm for Model PMX 102
- *Other wavelengths on demand
Zeta potential range: -200 to +200 mV
Range of detectable particle size:
- 0.01 - 50 Μm for zeta potential determination
- 0.01 - 3 Μm for particle size determination
- Lower and upper limits dependant on sample and laser
pH-range: 1-13
Temperature range: 10 - 55 ° C
Conductivity range: 0 - 4 mS/cm
Internal control - outputs: temperature, conductivity, voltage across 59 mm distance drift detection
Accuracy of measurement: ± 4 mV in zeta potential; ± 6nm for a 100 nm PS Latex
Reproducibility: ± 2 mV in zeta potential; ± 2 nm for a 100 nm PS Latex
- aqueous and polar media based dispersions, minimum 3mL
- Sample concentration range: 106 - 1010 particles/mL, maximum 1000 ppmv for 200 nm sized particles
Test standards: Auto-alignment dispersion and zeta potential reference dispersion
Electrical supply: 90 - 240 V, 47 - 63 Hz, 30 VA
Laser safety: Instrument protection to safety class I. Laser inside housing: safety class 3B, switched off for access to the measurement cell
External dimensions: 20 (W) x 25 (H) x 30 (D) cm
Weight: Main unit 9 kg, PC extra
Measurement software:
- System control, auto-alignment. Tracking of individual particles.
- Zeta Potential distributions, size distributions, particle counting.
- Profile and averaging functions. Export and Report functions
- Conversion of electrophoretic into zeta potential according to Smoluchowski equation.
- Size distribution following Stokes Einstein formula
Material parameters: No material parameters required
Data management: Video files, txt files, pdf reporting, single and overlay output