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Malvern Panalytical - Morphologi G3-ID

Manufactured by  Malvern Panalytical
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Automated measurement of particle size, particle shape and chemical identity.

This fully automated instrument is designed to allow both particle characterization scientists with limited spectroscopy experience and more experienced spectroscopists to get an in-depth understanding of their particulate samples.
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Features of Morphologi G3-ID
  • Measures particle size, particle shape and chemical identity in one platform.
  • Automates Morphologi G3 with Kaiser Optical Systems Inc. RamanRxn1 spectrometer.
  • Integrated dry powder dispersion with accurate dispersion energy control automates sample preparation for repeatable and reproducible measurements of both fragile and robust materials.
  • Simple SOP operation from sample dispersion through to size, shape and chemical analysis.
  • Automatic selection, targeting and chemical classification of 1000’s of individual particles.
  • Export function for third party forensic library investigations.
  • Single point manual targeting mode for manual selection of particles for chemical analysis.
  • Powerful and intuitive software interface making both visual and statistical interpretation of your data easier than ever.
General Specifications
Depth 760 mm
Detector5M pixel 2592 x 1944 color CCD array. Pixel size 2.78 mm x 2.78 mm.
Height750 mm
Width 440 mm
Power Requirements 100-240 V ac 50/60 Hz 6.0 A.
Size0.5 to 1000 µm
Weight27.7 kg
Measurement Time 5-100msec.
Additional Specifications

Static automated imaging combined with Raman spectroscopy.     
Morphological analysis:     
Static automated imaging.     
Particle size:     
0.5 µm  1000 µm.* (upper limit may be extended up to 10mm for some applications.*)     
Particle properties measured:     
Size, shape, transparency, count, location.     
Particle size parameters:     
Circle equivalent (CE) diameter, length, width, perimeter, area, max distance, sphere equivalent (SE) volume, fiber total length, fiber width.     
Particle shape parameters:     
Aspect ratio, circularity, convexity, elongation, high sensitivity (HS) circularity, solidity fiber elongation, fiber straightness.     
Particle transparency parameters:     
Intensity mean, intensity stand     
Particle transparency parameters:     
Intensity mean, intensity standard deviation.     
Integrated Sample Dispersion Unit option (Morphologi G3SE only):     
For fully automated dispersion and measurement of dry powders. Manual or SOP control of the dispersion pressure, injection time and sample settling time.     
Dispersion mechanism:     
Sample entrainment, leading to particle shear and particle impaction.     
Dispersion pressure range:     
0.5  5 bar.     
Dispersion pressure precision:     
0.1 bar increments.     
Injection time range:     
Sample Settling time:     
Sample presentation options:     
4 slide holder for standard microscope slides. 2 slide holder for large microscope slides. Large glass plate for integrated dry powder dispersion option. Wet cell for large particles in suspension.** 25mm and 47mm dia. holders for membrane filters.     
Light source:     
White light, bright field diascopic and episcopic, dark field episcopic. Polarizer/analyzer and DIC contrast enhancement options.**     
5M pixel 2592 x 1944 color CCD array. Pixel size 2.78 mm x 2.78 mm.     
Optical system:     
Nikon CFI 60 bright field/dark field system.     
2.5x: 13µm  1000µm (nominal) 5x: 6.5µm  420µm (nominal) 10x: 3.5µm  210µm (nominal) 20x: 1.75µm  100µm (nominal) 50x: 0.5µm  40µm (nominal)

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