PBA Technologies - Flexsys Colony Picker + Gridder & Replicator robot

Manufactured by  PBA Technologies
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The PBA Flexsys Colony and Plaque Picker is a sophisticated robotic instrument for automatic picking of biological...

The PBA Flexsys Colony and Plaque Picker is a sophisticated robotic instrument for automatic picking of biological samples from agar plates to microtiter plates. Apart from the loading and unloading of the freezer trays which hold the agar or microtiter plates, the instrument is fully automatic and under computer control. The picking process consists of the transfer of biological material, growing as colonies or palques from agar plates, into microtiter plates. This task is routinely carried out in research laboratories by skilled technicians. However, the task is extremely repetitive and tedious and errors due to mental and physical fatigue are common. The Flexsys overcomes these problems by automating the entire picking process. The agar plates containing the colonies or plaques are loaded into a tray above a lightbox. The special film on the top of the lightbox provides either uniform lighting for picking plaques of dark field illumination for picking colonies. The colonies or plaques to be picked are selected by an automated vision system consisting of a CCD camera connected to a frame grabber card in the controlling PC. The camera has a resolution of 768x576 pixels and looks at a field of approximately 80 mm by 60 mm. This leads to a scale of approximately 10 pixels/mm.
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Features of Flexsys Colony Picker + Gridder & Replicator robot

The set-up of actions to be performed by the robot is via a user-friendly Windows interface ad various setups can be stored as files and subsequently recalled as often as required.

The robot is fully programmable in all three axes: X, Y, and Z, and a diagnostic Service Menu allows an experienced user to re-calibrate the robot if required.

The application uses Microsoft Windows 3.11.

General Specifications
Depth 2.5 ft
Height6 ft
Width 7 ft
Power Requirements 115V, 60 Hz
Weight500 lbs

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