LNI SWISSGAS - Sonimix 7000

Manufactured by  LNI SWISSGAS
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Gas mixer Sx 7000

The binary gas mixer from 0 to 100%, model LNI SONIMIX 7000 is based on the principle of gas stream through mass flow controllers and is built according to the ISO 6145/7 normalisation.
The Sonimix 7000 is a gas divider using the well known technology of Mass Flow Controllers (MFC). Although it needs a more frequent recalibration compared to the sonic nozzles technology, this instrument will give the highest flexibility at a very competitive price.

The Sonimix 7000 exist into 2 configurations, the multi range (binary mixture only) or as multi gas (mixture of up to 5 gases + a balance at the same time). The multi gas configuration is very useful for the calibration of multi-component analysers or for interference test.

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Features of Sonimix 7000
  • Good accuracy and stability
  • Remote command
  • No maintenance
  • High dilution range
General Specifications

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Additional Specifications


  • 4 additional inlets
  • RS232 remote command
  • ISO 17025 Calibration
  • GasCAl software

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