LabTech - SepLine AutoSPE

Manufactured by  LabTech
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SepLine is a completely automated SPE system for small samples from sample loading, rising, injection to elution.

The SepLine is a completely automated SPE system for small samples from sample loading, rising, injection to elution. The system’s controlled positive pressure sample and solvent flow rates ensure the best recoveries and precision. Integrating an autosampler, the SepLine can treat up to 124 SPE cartridges simultaneously. Multi-channel options, SepLine-1, SepLine-2, and SepLine-4 meet the specific needs of analytical laboratory.


Single Channel AutoSPE system can perform single sample batch processing. It can automatically achieve conditioning, sample loading, rinsing, eluting SPE steps. It is with nitrogen purge module, meeting the needs of the standard method, fully enclosed system, able to be associated with automatic quantitative concentrator system online.


Dual Channels AutoSPE system can perform two samples SPE operations simultaneously. Management systems for two samples are independent and can perform different methods. It can automatically achieve conditioning, sample loading, rinsing, eluting SPE steps. It is with nitrogen purge module, meeting the needs of the standard method, fully enclosed system.


Four channels AutoSPE system can perform four samples SPE operations simultaneously, greatly improving the efficiency of sample handling. Management systems for four samples are independent and can perform different methods. It can automatically achieve conditioning, sample loading, rinsing, eluting SPE steps. It is with nitrogen purge module, meeting the needs of the standard method, fully enclosed system.

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Features of SepLine AutoSPE
  • Automatically treat up to 124 SPE cartridges.
  • 6 mL cartridge is standard while other sizes are also suitable.
  • Cartridges are perfectly sealed by plungers to prevent mixture between samples and solvents.
  • Have standard nitrogen blowing function.
  • Automatically switches up to 8 different solvents.
  • The system pressure can be monitored automatically.
  • The flow rate is as accurate as ±0.1% and the flow rate range is 0-100 mL/min.


  • Environment
  • Food and feed
  • Pharmaceuticals
  • Life Science
General Specifications

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