DeNovix Inc. - Fluorescence Quantification Assay Kits

Manufactured by  DeNovix Inc.
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Greatest Sensitivity, Widest Dynamic Range

DeNovix Fluorescence Assay Kits provide the greatest sensitivity and widest dynamic range available today. DeNovix offers highly specific assay kits for dsDNA and RNA. DeNovix kits selectively and accurately quantify in the presence of common contaminants such as other nucleic acids or protein. Combine the specificity of fluorescence with the purity measurements of absorbance on our DS-11 FX or DS-11 FX+ for the optimum sample QC procedure.

  • Widest Dynamic Range: dsDNA 0.5 pg/µL - 4000 ng/µL and RNA 250 pg/µL - 1500 ng/µL)
  • dsDNA 20X Greater Sensitivity than Thermo Fisher Qubit™ Fluorometer 
  • One RNA kit replaces full Qubit™ Range 
  • Simple Mix-and-Measure Assay 

DeNovix dsDNA Quantification Assays

DeNovix dsDNA Assays cover three overlapping ranges of sensitivity. Each kit includes standards for easy set up of a two-point standard curve. DeNovix Assays have a wider dynamic range than Qubit™ dsDNA assays – and are more affordable. The breakthrough DeNovix dsDNA Ultra High Sensitivity assay allows measurement of samples as low as 0.5 pg/µL (original sample concentration), 20X lower than the core range of the Qubit™ dsDNA HS assay. View our Tech Note comparing dsDNA quantification on DeNovix and Qubit™ Fluorometers.

The range of DeNovix dsDNA assays offered is indicated in the table below.

DeNovix dsDNA AssayRange
Broad Range0.1 - 2000 ng/µL (extended range to 4000 ng/µL)
High Sensitivity10 pg/µL - 200 ng/µL (extended range down to 5 pg/µL)
Ultra High Sensitivity0.5 - 300 pg/µL

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Features of Fluorescence Quantification Assay Kits
  • Greatest Dynamic Range
  • 20X Greater Sensitivity
  • Included in EasyApps™ Software
  • Two Point Curves, Mix and Measure
  • One RNA kit replaces the full Qubit™ Range (2 kits)
  • High specificity ignores most contamination in samples
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