Peak Scientific - Genius AB-3G Hi-Flow
The Genius AB-3G has been designed to provide a continuous and reliable gas supply to meet the precise requirements
The Genius AB-3G has been designed to provide a continuous and reliable gas supply to meet the precise requirements of several Sciex LC-MS instruments. A three gas system, the AB-3G provides nitrogen and dry air to supply curtain, source and exhaust gas; additionally, the generator benefits from three integrated compressors with redundancy, making it a complete standalone solution for mission-critical applications.
The AB-3G is based on Peak Scientific’s Genius series of generators: designed mainly for LC-MS applications, are self-contained systems featuring integrated compressors, delivering laboratory-grade nitrogen at a range of pressures and flow rates to satisfy the requirements of a wide selection of instruments.
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Features of Genius AB-3G Hi-Flow
- Hi-Flow delivers curtain, source and exhaust gas for Sciex LC-MS
- Additional compressor capacity to ensure continuous operation in unlikely event of one compressor failure
- Engineered specifically for Sciex instruments
- Built to ensure uninterrupted supply of gas for clinical applications
- Advanced alarms in the unlikely event of product issues
- Generator has the capacity to self-diagnose to inform when maintenance is required
- Minimal set-up required
- Highly economical source of nitrogen gas with low lifetime running costs
- Gas is supplied on demand so generator works to your schedule
- Compressors are housed in an insulated compartment to reduce noise and vibration
- 12-month comprehensive on-site warranty
General Specifications
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