Peak Scientific - I-FLOWLAB 6XX1

Manufactured by  Peak Scientific
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i-FlowLab from Peak Scientific provides a total laboratory solution for on-site generation of nitrogen gas

i-FlowLab from Peak Scientific provides a total laboratory solution for on-site generation of nitrogen gas, delivering a continuous and consistent supply of high-purity nitrogen at the required pressure and flow rates to meet the full and varying demands of your laboratory or research facility.

Engineered around PSA technology, i-FlowLab is available in various pre-configured specifications to suit specific flow and purity demands. The iFlowLab 6XX1 generator can provide nitrogen at flow rates from 40 l/pm - 3402 l/pm and contains an oxygen analyzer allowing for the continuous monitoring of system purity as a precentage. Purities are specified at time of system design to meet the needs of the application up to 99.999%.

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Features of I-FLOWLAB 6XX1
  • Consistent, constant, reliable, on-demand supply of gas at stable purity. No instrument or application downtime as a result of running out of stored gas. Bring control of your nitrogen supply in-house
  • Convenient, hassle-free. No more changing of cylinders or dewars. No more administration costs
  • Safe, no health and safety concerns in managing stored high pressure or liquid bulk tank supplies on-site or in the lab
  • Scalable / Expandable, increase nitrogen production capacity with the addition of CMS columns to future-proof your laboratory gas supply
  • Economical, fast return on investment and low cost of ownership with predictable running costs. Eliminate ongoing, rental and delivery costs, environmental surcharges and price volatility of bulk gas supplies
  • Reduce your carbon footprint by bringing your nitrogen production in-house, delivery of cylinders and liquid to site is removed, thereby reducing the carbon emissions related to your nitrogen usage
  • Oxygen analyzer, continuous, real-time monitoring of the nitrogen purity, available in % purity
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