AirClean® Systems - TeachAide™ Demonstration Fume Hood
Manufactured by AirClean® Systems
AirClean® Systems TeachAide™ Ductless Classroom Demonstration Workstations offer a low-cost solution for pr...
AirClean® Systems TeachAide™ Ductless Classroom Demonstration Workstations offer a low-cost solution for protection of students, teachers, and the environment during chemistry experiments. The TeachAide™ Demonstration Fume Hood provides exceptional protection from experiments using or generating toxic fumes, vapors, particulate, or smoke.
Teachaide™ Demonstration Fume Hoods have been independently tested to the educational science laboratory curriculum. Each demonstration workstation is factory tested and shipped fully assembled with filters installed.
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Features of TeachAide™ Demonstration Fume Hood
- AirSafe™ automatic safety controller displays and constantly adjusts blower speed to maintain set face velocity. In combination with airflow monitoring and gas detection, the
- AirSafe™ automatic safety controller allows you to breathe easier knowing your safety is constantly being monitored.
- Filtration and electronics are located above the work area minimizing the chance of chemical spills entering these sensitive areas.
- The sparkless/brushless motor is post-filter
- The deep base effectively contains accidental spills
- Low airflow alarm warns user both visually and audibly
- Meets relevant OSHA / ANSI regulations and guidelines for fume hood airflow
General Specifications
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Additional Specifications
- Custom cart available in fixed 34″ height with shelving options. Meets ADA requirements
- Built-in polypropylene cup sink and drain
- Electrical cord access ports, water and gas options
- Fluorescent lighting standard on ACTA48 and optional ACTA32