AirClean® Systems - Ductless Robotic Enclosure
AirClean® Systems Robotic Safety enclosures are designed to protect either the process or the operator from fu...
AirClean® Systems Robotic Safety enclosures are designed to protect either the process or the operator from fumes, vapours, or particulate. Robotic enclosures designed to protect the operator utilize the AirSafe™ automatic safety controller technology. For those enclosures designed to provide process protection only, the UVTect™ microprocessor controller is incorporated.
Since 1992, AirClean Systems® has provided quality HEPA containment systems to the law enforcement market. From small municipal agencies to large federal bureaus, AirClean supplies the solution to your mail handling safety and hazardous material containment problems.
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Features of Ductless Robotic Enclosure
Designed to maximize lab space
Controls are all microprocessor-driven
Combination sash to allow for maximum functionality
Modular electronics for easy field serviceability
Customize construction material to meet application challenge
No duct work required
Service port access
Optional ultraviolet light
Optional sturdy mobile cart
Optional polypropylene base cabinet
Available in 110V or 220V versions
AirClean® Systems robotic safety enclosures are custom designed to meet the application challenge while providing maximum operator accessibility and safety.
General Specifications
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