Waters - SunFire Columns

Manufactured by  Waters
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SunFire Chromatography Columns are available in analytical and preparative dimensions and feature state-of-the-art...

SunFire Chromatography Columns are available in analytical and preparative dimensions and feature state-of-the-art bonded-silica designed for high mass loading capability, excellent low pH stability, superior peak shapes, and high efficiency. 
With a wide variety of particle sizes from 2.5 µm to 10 µm and C18 and C8 column chemistries, SunFire columns offer greater flexibility in selecting silica-based HPLC columns. For preparative applications, SunFire silica is available in 5 and 10 µm particle sizes.
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Features of SunFire Columns
  • Analytical Separation * VanGuard Column Protection * Preparative * Available in 5 µm and 10 µm Particle Sizes * Normal-Phase Purification
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