Waters - On-Line SPE Products

Manufactured by  Waters
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The Oasis® on-line columns provide a fast and efficient way to cleanup biological samples on-line for LC/MS or LC/MS/MS...

The Oasis® on-line columns provide a fast and efficient way to cleanup biological samples on-line for LC/MS or LC/MS/MS analysis. There are five available Oasis sorbent chemistries that are designed to meet just about all of your on-line needs. These sorbents are all built upon the unique water-wettable Oasis HLB copolymer. The Oasis on-line columns come in a variety of particle sizes and dimensions to meet your specific application requirements. 
Waters offers various Oasis® on-line column configurations designed to fit all your on-line analysis needs. These formats are available with the patented Oasis sorbents in a wide choice of particle sizes and dimensions. 
The Oasis on-line columns make it possible to analyze a specific analyte in a sample matrix when combined with the appropriate Waters narrow-bore analytical columns, such as XSelect™, XBridge™, SunFire™, Atlantis®, XTerra®, or Symmetry® columns.
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Features of On-Line SPE Products
  • Rugged, reproducible, and ultra-fast on-line analysis * Compatible with all on-line analysis systems * Wide choice of configurations, particle sizes, and sorbent chemistries
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