This product is Discontinued
Peak Scientific - GENIUS 3040 - NITROGEN GENERATOR
Manufactured by Peak Scientific
Capable of supplying one Sciex LC-MS and another LC-MS instrument, the Genius 3040 combines two nitrogen systems into...
Capable of supplying one Sciex LC-MS and another LC-MS instrument, the Genius 3040 combines two nitrogen systems into one unit efficiently supplying curtain, source and exhaust gas from one system and a single nitrogen output from the other.
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- Dual system, curtain, source and exhaust gas from one and a standalone nitrogen output from the other
- Higher flow 30 series generator designed for hungrier LC-MS applications
- Compressor based solution, no need for an external air supply
- Highly economical source of nitrogen gas with low lifetime running costs
- Service indication to allow planning of preventative maintenance
- Gas is supplied on demand so generator works to your schedule
- Minimal set-up required
- The latest generation of compressors located in an insulated chamber reducing noise and vibration
- 12-month comprehensive on-site warranty
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