Shimadzu - GCMS-TQ8050 Triple Quadrupole GC/MS
Manufactured by Shimadzu
Enhanced Sensitivity and Performance
The need for highly sensitive instruments to detect ultra-trace level contaminants has never been more important in industries such as food safety and environmental. The Shimadzu triple quadrupole GCMS-TQ8050 gas chromatograph mass spectrometer, offering the highest sensitivity in its class, easily meets this need.
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Features of GCMS-TQ8050 Triple Quadrupole GC/MS
- Better amplification performance that maximizes use of Off-Axis Ion Optics made possible by new long-life detector
- Contamination-resistant ion source coupled with a new long life-detector ensure reliable analysis with less maintenance requirements
- Large-capacity turbomolecular pump with improved exhaust efficiency allows for higher sensitivity and stability
- Smart MRM technologies coupled with the use of LabSolutions Insight improve ease of method creation and data review
- High-speed scan and data acquisition using Advance Scanning Speed Protocol (AASP) to achieve speeds up to 20,000 u/sec across all masses
- Ecology mode reduces costs associated with power and carrier gas consumption
- Various configurations enable optimal performance for specific analytical needs
General Specifications
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