Malvern Panalytical - Epsilon 1
Small, powerful and portable XRF analyzer
Epsilon 1 produces fast, cost-effective, precise and accurate data with minimal operator dependence and sample preparation. The total running cost is therefore much lower than other analytical techniques such as AAS, ICP and wet chemical methods that are costly and also require a dedicated skilled operator.
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Features of Epsilon 1
Non-destructive analysis The measurements are carried out directly on the sample itself with little to no sample preparation. Since XRF is a non-destructive technique, the sample can also be measured subsequently by other analytical techniques, if required.
Maximum sensitivity The thin window Ag anode X-ray tube, designed and manufactured by Malvern Panalytical, ensures high quality and sensitivity. The 50 kV X-ray tube and generator is ideal for exciting heavier elements, resulting in faster analysis times and higher accuracy.
Easy communication USB and network connections for use of standard computer peripherals for extended use, application development and seated operator.
Atmospheric variations Low-energy X-ray photons characteristic of sodium, magnesium, aluminum, silicon, phosphorus and sulfur are sensitive to air-pressure and temperature variations. Built-in temperature and air-pressure sensors compensate for these atmospheric variations, ensuring excellent results whatever the weather.
Spillage protection In order to shield the delicate heart of the system from spillage, a protection foil is in place. In case of spillage, the foil can be replaced easily by the operator.
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