Micromeritics - Turbiscan

Manufactured by  Micromeritics
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Dispersion Stability and Sizing

Colloidal Stability analysis and shelf life determination are key criteria in formulation studies of emulsions, suspensions, and foams. TURBISCAN® is the first patented technology to analyze destabilization mechanism in concentrated dispersed media and thus the only to offer accelerated aging tests on the actual unstressed products.

Creaming, sedimentation, agglomeration, aggregation, and coalescence of even highly concentrated formulations are detected, at a very early stage, without dilution nor stress. Stability kinetics analysis is provided for an efficient and reliable analysis of samples and to help evaluate the overall quality of formulations a Turbiscan stability Index can be calculated - quantifying the destabilization with a single number.

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Features of Turbiscan
  • No sample prep necessary
  • 200x faster than conventional tests
  • Quantification of stability-TSI index computation
  • No mechanical stress applied, natural state analysis
  • Works with concentrated solutions (up to 95% v/v)
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