Bruker Optics - RAPIDplus and RAPIDplus Control 2.0 VOM
Stand-Off Detection Systems>
The RAPIDplus is a highly reliable and robust second generation st...
Stand-Off Detection Systems
The RAPIDplus is a highly reliable and robust second generation stand-off detector that can automatically Detect, Identify and Monitor all known Chemical Warfare Agents (CWA) and important Toxic Industrial Chemicals (TICs) at long distances. The one piece self contained systems provide real time detection and can be used on any platform or infrastructure, with an extended substance library.
The instruments utilises Brukers proven RockSolid™ flex-pivot interferometer and can be operated whilst static or on the move with no degradation in performance. The software RAPIDplus Control 2.0 VOM provides the user with enhanced visual surveillance and analytical displays overlaid on video and an increased detection capability.
The RAPIDplus instrument has a real-time colour wide dynamic camera that supplement the intuitive operator displayed software.
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Features of RAPIDplus and RAPIDplus Control 2.0 VOM
- Extended library
- Universal detection of polyatomic molecules
- Fast analysis of multi-component mixtures
- Real-time monitoring of gaseous emissions over distance
- Large sampling area, no sample preparation and handling
- Fast setup and simple operation
- Flexible software solutions
- Easily integrated into a variety of platforms or infrastructure
General Specifications
There are no General Specifications available.