PerkinElmer - LAMBDA 1050 UV/Vis/NIR Spectrophotometer
Manufactured by PerkinElmer
Designed to achieve a greater level of sensitivity, resolution and speed in the NIR range, it simplifies the analysis of difficult samples.
The LAMBDA 1050 is PerkinElmer's highest performing UV/Vis/NIR spectrophotometer to date. Designed to achieve a greater level of sensitivity, resolution and speed in the NIR range, it simplifies the analysis of difficult samples such as high absorbing glass, optical coatings or thin film filters.
It features two large sampling compartments and a variety of snap-in modules and accessories, including a general purpose optical bench, integrating spheres and patented Universal Reflectance Accessory.
It features two large sampling compartments and a variety of snap-in modules and accessories, including a general purpose optical bench, integrating spheres and patented Universal Reflectance Accessory.
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