Netzsch - DIL 402 CD

Manufactured by  Netzsch
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Dual- and differential-dilatometer unified in a new concept

Are higher sample throughput, direct comparison of samples, and online calibration of expansion measurements important requirements for you? With the new dilatometer DIL 402 CD we handle these tasks perfectly with our unique, new instrument concept.

The measuring system employs two high resolution inductive displacement transducers; with its design using low-expansion invar and broad thermostatic control for highest accuracy, reproducibility and long term stability, it is capable of application temperatures up to 1600°C

The horizontal instrument construction offers specific advantages, especially for the dual sample arrangement: homogeneous heating of both samples, simple sample insertion, safety during sample decomposition or melting, and effective protection of the measuring system by gas flow. The operation remains simple and safe through exact sample arrangement at the specific sample support in the cutout of the tube sample support, the individual motorized movement and zero setting of both push rods and the easy to move furnace. Various furnace systems allow optimal adjustment at specific measuring tasks.

The sample temperature measurement is carried out reproducibly with a thermocouple in the center of the sample arrangement.

Routine measurements with high sample throughput and accurate comparison measurements are two further important application fields of this new dual- and differential dilatometer.
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Features of DIL 402 CD
  • Plotting of the absolute or relative expansion/shrinkage curves, independently for two different samples or as a difference of two samples
  • Various correction options:
    • correction of the system’s own expansion behavior with either a calibration measurement or sample holder correction
    • offset correction
    • online correction by comparative measurements with standard sample
  • Semi-automatic routines for determination of onset, peak and end temperatures
  • Glass transitions and dilatometric softening points
  • Analyses in accordance with DIN (German standards)
  • Automatic softening point detection
  • Derivation of curves for determination of the temperature- or time-dependent linear expansion rates
  • Expansion coefficients: calculation and graphic presentation of the technical and physical expansion coefficients
  • Analysis of sintering temperatures
  • Automatic determination of the shrinkage during a sintering step
  • Rate-controlled temperature guidance for optimization of sintering, unique option for "corrected RCS" through usage of a standard sample in differential mode (RCS option)
  • c-DTA® for determination of endo- and exothermal effects of a sample
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