Eksigent - nanoLC

Manufactured by  Eksigent
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nanoLC systems for speed, sensitivity, resolution, and reliability

Eksigents second-generation NanoLC™ system delivers stable, reproducible separations for peptide/protein identification, phosphopeptide analysis, biomarker discovery, metabolomics, and more.

The NanoLC-1Dplus is a one-dimensional nano HPLC configured with a third pump, and the NanoLC-2D is a two-dimensional nano HPLC that lets you set-up a 2D method in seconds. Both systems come with an optional autosampler for rapid injection of large sample volumes supporting full loop, partial loop, and zero sample loss modes. The systems easily integrates with Thermo Electrons Xcalibur® software, Bruker Daltonics HyStar® system and ABI/Sciex Analyst® software.
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Features of nanoLC
  • Optimized for ultra-low flow rates of first dimension 1-20 µL/min, second dimension 50-1000 nL/min.
  • Novel pumping system eliminates the need for flow splitting, providing excellent run-to-run reproducibility.
  • Use automated peak parking for extended MS/MS analysis to improve peptide sequence coverage.
  • Take advantage of nanospray sensitivity.
  • Active flow control of each mobile phase ensures precise gradient delivery.
  • Quickly responds to changes in flow rate set point in less than two seconds.
  • Reduce solvent consumption by 99%!
General Specifications
Depth 15 in
Height8 in
Width 14 in
Power Requirements 100-240 VAC, 4/63 Hz, 3A
Standard Flow Rate 1 to 30 µL/min
Additional Specifications

System components:

  • Binary gradient pump
  • Dedicated sample loading pump
  • 10-port, low-volume, biocompatible injection valve (Ti or PAEK)
  • Optional temperature-controlled autosampler (96- or 384-well plate compatible) with a 6-port biocompatible sample injection valve (Ti or PAEK) 

Flow rate range: 20-1000 nL/min (other ranges available with flow module swap) 1-30 µL/min for sample loading pump

Pump type: Microfluidic direct pumping system with independent flow control feedback for each mobile phase. Retention time RSD < 0.5% at 500 nL/min

Gradient formation: High-pressure gradient mixing, no flow splitting

Delay volume: 65 nL from mixer to column

Delay time: < 25 sec at 500 nL/min

Mobile phase compatibility: All mobile phases compatible with 316 stainless steel, PEEK, and silica

Injections: Standard, metered and rapid injection modes

Injection volume: 200 nL - 50 µL; option for larger sample volumes available

Columns: Optimized for use with 50-150 µm i.d. columns, 5-15 cm in length

Peak parking: Response time from 500-100 nL/min typically < 4 seconds at spray tip. Response time can vary with external hardware configuration

Autosampler: One 96- or 384-well plate capacity Peltier type temperature maintained sample compartment. 5-40° C; cooling capacity 12° C below ambient Dual needle design for seal piercing Integral 6-port biocompatible injection valve

System control: Computer with graphical user interface for control of all system parameters. Software allows import of run tables and creates CDF, text, and Excel files for data export and analysis. Tracking of instrument runtime, column usage, total injections, solvent usage, and error codes. System drivers available for Thermo Electron’s Xcalibur™, Applied Biosystems/MDS SCIEX Analyst®, and Bruker Daltonics’ HyStar™ mass spectrometer software.

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