HORIBA Equipment List
Manufactured by HORIBA
Provides Versatility, Safety, Productivity in Closed Vessel Digestions. Digest samples with precise dual temperature controls.
HORIBA - QWave-1000
Manufactured by HORIBA
Digestion workhorse for power-controlled microwave digestion of known samples. Digest samples in Time to Power mode.
Manufactured by HORIBA
This analyzer is a full-range model, using the same analytical technique as the LA-920. The flexible optical system and...
Manufactured by HORIBA
The HORIBA PSA300 is a state of the art turn-key image analysis solution. Seamless integration of Clemex's powerful particle characterization software
HORIBA - SA-9600 Series
Manufactured by HORIBA
The SA-9600 series of surface area analyzers brings exceptional speed and convenience to BET surface area analysis. N...
HORIBA - ViewSizer 3000
Manufactured by HORIBA
Determines size, high resolution size distributions, and particle concentration. Unique optics can analyze polydisperse assemblages of particles...
Manufactured by HORIBA
The XploRA ONE Raman microscope will meet the demanding challenges of any modern QA/QC and analytical laboratory offering simplicity, exceptional...
HORIBA - LA-900 Series
Manufactured by HORIBA
The Partica LA-950 Laser Diffraction Particle Size Distribution Analyzer is the highest performance particle sizing instrument on the market.