Quantachrome Instruments Equipment List
Quantachrome Instruments - FloVac Degasser
Manufactured by Quantachrome Instruments
Your cost-effective degassing solution for gas sorption sample preparation
Quantachrome Instruments - XeriPrep Degasser
Manufactured by Quantachrome Instruments
Vacuum degasser for surface area determination and pore size analysis
Quantachrome Instruments - iSorb HP
Manufactured by Quantachrome Instruments
High-pressure high-precision volumetric gas sorption instruments
Quantachrome Instruments - VSTAR
Manufactured by Quantachrome Instruments
High-resolution vapor sorption analyzer
Quantachrome Instruments - ChemBET Pulsar
Manufactured by Quantachrome Instruments
Automated flow chemisorption and reactivity analyzer
Quantachrome Instruments - AutoFlow BET+
Manufactured by Quantachrome Instruments
Dynamic flow gas sorption analyzer for extremely rapid BET surface areas
Quantachrome Instruments - autosorb 6iSA
Manufactured by Quantachrome Instruments
Get the highest throughput benchtop gas sorption analyzer on the market
Quantachrome Instruments - QUADRASORB evo
Manufactured by Quantachrome Instruments
Gas sorption analyzer designed for flexibility, accuracy, and speed
Quantachrome Instruments - NOVAtouch series
Manufactured by Quantachrome Instruments
High-throughput surface area and pore size analyzer
Quantachrome Instruments - autosorb iQ series
Manufactured by Quantachrome Instruments
Micropore physisorption / chemisorption analyzers