Waters Equipment List
Waters - Oasis PRiME HLB
Manufactured by Waters
The Oasis® family of solid-phase extraction products is designed to simplify and improve your sample preparation.
Waters - Ostro Pass-through Sample Preparation Products
Manufactured by Waters
A Simple Pass-through Protocol
Waters - PoraPak Rxn
Manufactured by Waters
Waters offers PoraPak™ Rxn, a family of polymer-based chromatography products for superior cleanup of sy...
Waters - Sep-Pak SPE
Manufactured by Waters
The Original and Most Referenced Silica-Based SPE Products
Waters - Sirocco Protein Precipitation Plate
Manufactured by Waters
The Sirocco™ plates are the most technologically advanced protein precipitation plates in the market and en...
Waters - Waters Positive Pressure-96 Processor
Manufactured by Waters
Highly Uniform Flow from Well-to-WellSuperior Flow for Viscous SamplesBetter SPE Assay Reprodu...
Waters - QuEChERS Dispersive Solid Phase Extraction
Manufactured by Waters
Dispersive solid phase extraction (d-SPE) analysis is a simple and straightforward sample preparation technique su...
Waters - Biopharmaceutical Platform Solution with UNIFI
Manufactured by Waters
From robust characterization to routine analysis, an all-in-one system
Waters - ACQUITY QDa Mass Detector
Manufactured by Waters
ACQUITY QDa is as intuitive as an optical detector, with the robustness to handle all of your analyses. Working in ha...
Waters - ACQUITY UPC2 System
Manufactured by Waters
Bringing ease-of-use to normal-phase LC>By providing the ability to precisely vary m...