Agilent Technologies Equipment List

Agilent Technologies - 490 Micro GC

Manufactured by Agilent Technologies

The “Measure Anywhere” Micro GC

Agilent Technologies - 7697A Headspace Sampler

Manufactured by Agilent Technologies

The Latest Headspace Technology for Demanding Laboratories

Agilent Technologies - 7700e ICP-MS

Manufactured by Agilent Technologies

Streamlined ICP-MS for routine analysis

Agilent Technologies - Cary 100

Manufactured by Agilent Technologies

Cost effective solution for routine laboratory work

Agilent Technologies - 7500cs

Manufactured by Agilent Technologies

The Agilent 7500cs ICP-MS mainframe is no longer available to order although support for this product will continue...

Agilent Technologies - Cary 5000

Manufactured by Agilent Technologies

Superb photometric performance from 175 to 3300 nm

Agilent Technologies - Turbo-V 701 Navigator

Manufactured by Agilent Technologies

An energy-efficient, oil-free pump to meet demanding applications

Agilent Technologies - U2700A series

Manufactured by Agilent Technologies

The Agilent U2700A series oscilloscopes are USB-based modular oscilloscopes that can be used as a standalone or with...

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