Leica Microsystems Equipment List

Leica Microsystems - DM300 and DM100

Manufactured by Leica Microsystems

Robust Student Microscopes Leica DM300 & Leica DM100

Leica Microsystems - Leitz Optilux

Manufactured by Leica Microsystems

Compound Microscope Leitz Optilux

Leica Microsystems - RM2255

Manufactured by Leica Microsystems

Fully Automated Rotary Microtome

Leica Microsystems - VT1000 S

Manufactured by Leica Microsystems

Vibrating blade microtome

Leica Microsystems - DM2500 M

Manufactured by Leica Microsystems

Materials Analysis Microscope Improves Workflow

Leica Microsystems - EM UC7

Manufactured by Leica Microsystems

Ultramicrotome for Perfect Sectioning at Room Temperature and Cryo

Leica Microsystems - SM2010 R

Manufactured by Leica Microsystems

With smooth movement of the sledge, precision specimen orientation, and emphasis on safety and ergonomics, the Leica...

Leica Microsystems - ICC50 HD

Manufactured by Leica Microsystems

Share, Capture and Archive Images with the new HD Camera System Leica ICC50 HD

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