Discussion Category: Centrifuge
Drive error
Our Beckman Avanti J-25 centrifuge stops working. The machine immediately beeps and "drive" light comes on when we press start.

Other than telling me that you got a Drive diagnostic you really have told me nothing. Every diagnostic shows up with some kind of code. A "d" followed by a number. Without knowing that I cannot help you at all.

Dear Don,
Thank you so much for the prompt response. I checked the centrifuge and only found the 'Drive light' flashing. Could you please kindly tell me how to get the diagnostic code?

please enter the following key sequence which has actually been posted previously on this page.
[SET/ACTUAL], [ACCEL], [SET/ACTUAL], [DECEL], then press [TIME/HOLD] twice within 2 seconds to get into the service history mode. Please record ALL of the diagnostic messages that you see. After you see the first diagnostic code, which should be your drive diagnostic, hit the [CE] key which will clear that diagnostic and move on to the next one. Continue to step through the diagnostics and when you clear the last one the display will return to its normal mode. After you get that Drive diagnostic code please post it here and we will try to help you out.

Thank you so much Don. I really appreciate it. I just did what you suggested. The message is d4.
Once again, thank you much.

Dawei, What you are seeing is an OVERCURRENT condition and there may be very little that you can do about it short of calling for service. I have no idea where you are located so what service options are available to you is something only you can answer.
The first thing to try now that all of the errors are cleared is another run. If that fails, and I will assume that it does fail, the next thing to try is running the windage and inertia calibrations for your centrifuge. The procedure for that I have previously published in this database as it is quite extensive so please search for it. Sometimes rerunning that process can fix some issues. Have there been any changes in the building where the centrifuge is located such as to the AC power to the centrifuge? If the line voltage changes enough then the transformer tapping needs to be adjusted. If it is not then errors such as you are getting can occur. Let me know.

Hi Don, I cleared all messages and tried another run as you suggested. Unfortunately, it still fails and showed the same d4 error. We are located in Unviersity of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. Do you any service options avaiable here? How much will it cost?

Dawei, I retired from Beckman Coulter around 7 years ago so I am completely out of the loop on service let alone service in Canada. I do, however, know of another individual that I have helped out in Alberta that may have some ideas as to getting service so let me get in touch with him to see if he has any suggestions. I will then get back in touch with you.

Hi Don,
I heard you are the one to tallk to. If you have a min could you please check out my new thread?

Sorry for the delay but your post got away from me. The only person I have dealt with in your part of the world is a man by the name of Jeff Mrochuk whose email is Jeff.Mrochuk@albertahealthservices.ca I have no other contact info for him. He may be able to point you towards getting assistance where you are located at.
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