Discussion Category:  Microplate Readers

filter in Wallac 1420

Hi, I am a researcher at University of Guelph. We have a Wallac 1420 Victor 2 in our lab. I want to ask you a question about using this instrument. Thank you very much for your reply. I am going to use it for RNA detection. The RNA copy in my sample will be amplified by a RNA polymerase, and a fluorescence dye-SYBR Green II will be added, so with the amplification of RNA, the fluorescence will become stronger and stronger. I would like to use this instrument to test the fluorescence. Now, I meet two questions. The first one is the filter. The excitation wavelength of SYBR Green II is optimal at 497nm, and emission wavelength is optimal at 521nm. But we only have 485/535nm in our machine. So, do you have that filter I need? If you have the filter, I would like to buy it. The second question is that what is the difference between time-resoved fluorescence, fluorescence polarization, and lance. For me, could you please give me suggestion? Thanks very much for your reply. Best wisehs, Ruiqin
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Hi Cici, Perkinelmr carries a full range of filters that would wqork. For excitation, try PerkinElmer part number 1420-5900 It is optimal at 500nm, but with a bandwidth of 8nm, it iwll excitie your SYBRgreen II! For emissions, try perkinelmer part number 1420-549. It is optimal at 520 nm, but has a bandwidth of 10 nm!
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Thank you very much. Could you please send me the website of the products directly? I did not find the page for the products. Thanks again.
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If I buy the excitation filter for 500nm, and emission filter for 520nm, can I set the excitation wavelength to 492nm, and emission wavelength to 513nm through the VICTOR machine. Why I ask this question, because the filter installed in our machine now is 485/535. I don't know the band width of the two filters, and I can only select the fixed 485/535 from the list shown in the computer rather than select excitation and emission wavelength form the band width. After I buy the two filters from you, I don't know how to install them in our machine and set the wavelength. Could you please give me a detailed explanation for the installation and wavelength set? Thanks very much.
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Hi, beside the poster I just put on the forum. I still have several another questions for selecting proper filters. 1, I have searched several filters from PerkinElmer website. And I find that there are some descriptions for the filters. For example. for product 1420-541, there is a sentence "replacement filter for W0510DF10". What does "replacement filter for W0510DF10" mean? 2, What does the bandwidth mean? If the optimal wavelength for one filter is 500nm, and bandwidth is 8nm. Does it mean the wavelength can be set at 492nm to 508nm? I am worried that if I use 492nm, the sensitivity is low, because 492nm is on the border of the bandwidth. 3, For some filters, I see there are some dyes's names behind the filter's name. For example, for product 1420-545, the filter is "Emission Filter for VICTOR™ X, 620nm, 25.4mmDiameter, 8nm Bandwidth, Lance, Texas Red", and for 1420-541, the filter name is "Emission Filter for VICTOR™ X, 510nm, 25.4mmDiameter, 10nm Bandwidth, GFP", for 1420-5730, the filter name is "Emission Filter for VICTOR™ X, 515nm, 25.4mmDiameter, 30nm Bandwidth (e.g. BRET2)" etc. What does this GFP, LANCE, TEXAS RED, BRET2, AND CHROMA-GLO mean? I would like to select the most proper filter for my need: 492/513 and 535/617. So could you please answer my questions and I will be rather clear with your product. Thanks very much. Best wishes, Ruiqin
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Hi Cici, I really think you should email UVPFLtechsupport@perkinelmer.com. The pro's there can send you guides to all of this. They helped me!
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Thanks very much.
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