Discussion Category:  Centrifuge

eppendorf 5810R board diagnostics

Error 6 has numerous causes, this unit was working until moved, now it's all error 6. Temp control works fine. Does anybody know if the service manual is worth the $$? I don't want to replace the freq conv bd if I can see a work around. I have several other svc manuals for eppendorf, but the tech support folks are so unhelpful, that I may just recommend replacing unit with another more servicable brand.
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Do you have a diagram to illustrate how to make this repair.  I have a 5810R that is throw me an error 6.  The centrifuge continue to cool down and everthing else appears normal unitl i start a run and it indicates an error 6??? could you help me out?




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Quote medphysteo

Service manual is now posted in 3 parts here:




You are awesome.  Was looking for the service manual everywhere for my centrifgue 5804.

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Does anyone know where I can get a schematic of the Control card for the 5810R?

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Did you ever manage to get a service manual for the 5810R?. and if you did would you be able to send it to me?




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Check the link above, there is a service manual available in 3 parts.

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There are two different versions of the 5810, an older one and a newer one. The manuals from the link given above are for the newer model. I have the older machine and someone sent me the older manual. All of these manuals are scanned copies so the schematic pages are almost impossible to read. Eppendorf sent me the original PDFs for some of these schematics. I forwarded them to the Admin here but I haven't seen them post a link for them yet.


My machine gives an error 6. I was able to find that a trace on the main board had burned open. This trace supplies power to the frequency convertor card. Examination of that card shows a very slight deforming of the two large capacitors on it. I can't readily see how to seperate this card from the metal base it is attached to. Reno in a post above says he replaced two capacitors to fix his machine.


Hey RENO! If you're listening can you tell me how you did that?

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Just to give you a trick, i had to replace a part and the metal base was driving me nuts. I drilled two holes right behind the connectors and resoldered the part. Worked fine and i dont think there is any other way.

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jjj, would you mind posting the service manual for the older 5810R? We are currently servicing a unit showing Error 6, and would find the manual very helpful!

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jjjj, can please post the service manual for the older version? It would also be helpful to me.

Thsanks in advance 


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I sent the manual to Admin. If you post an email I will try to send it to you directly.


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