Discussion Category:  GC-TOF MS

S/N filtering using ChromaTOF software for GCxGC MS

When I process my GCxGC-MS data using Pegasus ChromaTOF and set the signal to noise value (S/N) to e.g. 50, the software still returns selected peaks below 50 in the peak table. In my mind, If I set the minimal S/N value to 50, I expect to get rid of all peaks below that threshold value, right? What have I missed?

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LECO Corporation

Hi Tim,

We'd be happy to assist at the LECO Global Support Center. Please feel free to give us a call at 888-LECO-911 (888-532-6911), or shoot us an email at TOF_Service@leco.com.


LECO Separation Science Support Team

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